In the dark and treacherous world of “The One Who Stands Behind,” players find themselves thrust into a unique blend of intense survival, strategic decision-making, and profound philosophical exploration. This gripping video game offers an innovative mix of a deck builder and tactical grid system, transforming the very essence of battle into a thrilling and strategic experience.
Uncover ancient secrets, forge powerful alliances, and make weighty decisions that shape not only the fate of your character but also the world around you. The consequences of your choices will echo through the narrative, offering multiple branching paths and alternate endings.
Special Notes:
This trainer is based on Steam and Epic Store version. It can also work on Windows Store version, but it’s not tested on Windows Store version, so I can’t guarantee all options are compatible.
File | Date added | File size | Downloads |
The.One.Who.Stands.Behind.v3.9.2.Plus.12.Trainer-FLing |
2024-01-01 | 40 MB | 4885 |