In Haruka: Beyond the Stars, players will embark on an epic intergalactic adventure alongside the young protagonist, Yuuki, and the enigmatic girl, Miiya. Set in a distant future where humanity is on the brink of extinction, the game takes players on a thrilling journey filled with danger, suspense, and breathtaking discoveries.
But the true heart of the game lies in its story, filled with emotional moments, unexpected twists, and thought-provoking themes. Players will unravel the mysteries of humanity’s decline, encounter memorable characters with their own motivations, and make difficult choices that shape the outcome of their journey.
Special Notes:
This is a mod, not a regular trainer.
You must enable the mod named “FLiNG Trainer Mod” in Main Menu > Mod Manager in order to use the trainer/mod (If the mod didn’t show up, try close and re-enter the Mod Manager).
You must use hotkeys to enable mod/cheat options during gameplay, activating cheats outside the game’s window will not work.
File | Date added | File size | Downloads |
Haruka:.Beyond.the.Stars.v3.5.9.Plus.9.Trainer-FLing |
2025-01-01 | 20 MB | 837 |