In the world of Gauntler, players embark on an epic adventure that combines heart-pounding action, strategic thinking, and mystical elements. Armed with powerful Mystical Gauntlets, the players must navigate through treacherous landscapes, face off against menacing enemies, and solve mind-boggling puzzles to reach the ultimate summit.
But it’s not just about brute force; players must also master the art of using the Gauntlets’ mystical energy to solve intricate puzzles. From activating ancient mechanisms to manipulating the environment itself, each puzzle presents a new and captivating challenge that requires both dexterity and mental prowess to solve.
Special Notes:
This game uses BattlEye anticheat, you need to run the game without anticheat in order to use trainer.
File | Date added | File size | Downloads |
Gauntler.v1.2.5.Plus.20.Trainer-FLing |
2023-08-17 | 3 MB | 670 |