This arcade shooter takes place in the year 2022, as the Earth Defense Force fends off an all-out attack by unknown life forms. Become an EDF soldier, battle against endless hordes of immense enemies, and restore peace to the earth.
Just what is this intelligent, extraterrestrial civilization that has attacked our own, known only as the Primers? Matching their intelligence, they bring the series’ first humanoid alien foes. Battling against these intelligent foes will bring you to the depths of yet-unknown despair, and the heights of joy.
8 Options · Game Version: v1.0+ · Last Updated: 2019.07.11
Num 1 – Infinite Health/Armor
Num 2 – Infinite Ammo/No Reload
Num 3 – Rapid Fire
Num 4 – Instant Charge Shot
Num 5 – Infinite Wing Energy
Num 6 – Infinite Vehicle Health/Armor
Num 7 – Fast Vehicle Drop Cooldown
Num 8 – Pick Up All Loots
Home – Disable All
- “Infinite Ammo/No Reload” only works for weapons that have more than 1 ammo. It can also work for fuel and other related data.
- “Fast Vehicle Drop Cooldown” will fill the vehicle reload gauge very fast, but you need to wait until the vehicle is dropped and the smoke signal disappeared in order to call another vehicle.
- When “Pick Up All Loots” is activated, you can automatically pick all loots on the map.